What’s happened and what’s coming up. Click on the headings below to see the articles and keep up to date.
08/03/2025 Join us for our Complines during Lent |
20/01/2025 Would you like to be the administrator for St Andrew's? |
24/11/2024 New pic of our choir - most but not all members. Do you fancy a sing? |
23/11/2024 The service sheet from Bill Donaldson's funeral, and a recording of Bill singing when he was a boy |
17/11/2024 A great start to our Music Moments series in November! Sign up to take part in the next one ... |
17/11/2024 The recording of Denise's funeral can be viewed here |
25/10/2024 The recording of Frank's funeral can be viewed here |
17/10/2024 The Messenger needs you! |
25/09/2024 Transform Trade's range of Christmas Cards are flying off the shelves and no wonder... |
20/09/2024 Listen again to our sermon series on Heresies and How to Avoid Them |
20/09/2024 A wonderful confirmation service on 15 September |
18/08/2024 A shout out to our flower team! |
09/08/2024 Read about the latest campaign from The Children's Society to help teenagers - and how YOU can support it online in just a few clicks! |
08/08/2024 Stapleford says NO to racism - see the video of our meeting here |
03/08/2024 Listen again to our sermon series on the life of Jacob |
16/07/2024 Lovely pics of the baptisms of Aria and Arthur |
14/07/2024 They're back - repaired and cleaned |
06/07/2024 Listen again to our sermon series on the opening chapters of Ephesians |
01/06/2024 Can you give to help the ministry of St Andrew's? |
31/05/2024 St Andrew's Youth Group! |
23/05/2024 The next Prime Minister must be a champion for children. And to make sure that happens, The Children's Society is working alongside some of the UK's largest children's societies on their joint Children at The Table campaign. |
26/04/2024 Don't forget the Link Bank Holiday Lunch |
29/03/2024 Listen again to reflections on Jesus' Seven Last Words from the cross |
26/03/2024 A huge thank you to members of St Andrew's who donated to our Lent campaign - £299 was raised and with donations still coming in, we hope to comfortably break the £300 barrier! |
17/02/2024 For Lent 2024 St Andrew's is asking people to put their hands up for children, to raise money for The Children's Society's (TCS) latest campaign. Not literally of course - although you can do that if you want! - instead we are asking people to 'buy' |
31/01/2024 For Lent this year, why not read 'Being Christian"? |
30/01/2024 A new group for all budding junior singers ... |
31/12/2023 Discovering the timeless poetry of George Herbert |
31/12/2023 Join us as we learn from the life of one of a great British saint |
28/12/2023 Welcome in the New Year in the footsteps of the wise men |
24/12/2023 Our new Director of Music is about to start ... |
06/12/2023 Do you know someone whose service has been outstanding? |
30/11/2023 The Diocese has published what it wants in a new Bishop |
28/11/2023 The St Andrew's Christmas Tree Festival is back!
Friday 8 to Sunday 10 December |
22/10/2023 What does the Bible have to say about Kings and Kingship? |
17/09/2023 What can we learn from the divine speeches in the book of Job? What is God saying to Job in his suffering? |
24/08/2023 St Andrew's is partnering with Cambridge and District Youth for Christ to find our new youthworker. Find out more here ... |
18/08/2023 We are looking for a new Director of Music and Organist. Could that be you? Or someone you know? Find out more by clicking here ... |
13/08/2023 Read about the process for choosing the new Bishop of Ely - and have your say! |
04/08/2023 How did the 2023 giving campaign go? Read more here. |
30/07/2023 What can we learn from the ancient account of Joseph's life? What is God up to in this tale of betrayal? |
02/07/2023 Photographs from Lucinda's ordination as a priest on 1 July |
17/06/2023 Bible Book Club is back! Come and think through the account of the life of Joseph - him of 'technicolour dream coat' fame |
07/06/2023 Three events to celebrate, including Lucinda's priesting
02/05/2023 The funds have all been counted - and you helped us raise an amazing £535 for this year's 'Guardian Angel' Lent campaign, which supports The Children's Society's work to ensure that every unaccompanied child refugee is allocated a guardian to help them. |
28/04/2023 What did Jesus really teach? |
05/04/2023 A few pics of our Easter celebrations to enjoy |
31/03/2023 A report from General Synod on the Living in Love and Faith debate |
19/03/2023 The second of two podcasts from The Children's Society, featuring the voices of Phoenix, Ayo, ibrahim, TJ and Ope. Together with The Children's Society they are campaigning for unaccompanied young refugees arriving in the UK alone to get a legal guardian. |
19/03/2023 Listen to the first of two podcasts from The Children's Society, featuring the voices of Phoenix, Ayo, ibrahim, TJ and Ope.
Together with The Children's Society, they're campaigning for young refugees who arrive in the UK alone to get a legal guardian. |
26/02/2023 Are you moved or shocked by what unaccompanied children face when seeking asylum? Then write to your M.P. and use our draft letter as a template. |
26/02/2023 This year, our Lent appeal raises funds for the Children’s Society’s work to provide Guardians for unaccompanied child refugees. |
19/02/2023 Great video and pics from our youth group stay at Fort Rocky. Thanks to all who made it possible. |
19/12/2022 Youth group nativity fundraiser! |
07/11/2022 Don't forget the Nachingwea Link Christmas Fair on 3 December |
22/10/2022 How our Lent appeal enabled families to have fun and exercise! |
18/10/2022 Felicity Cooke was made a Canon of the cathedral on 17 October |
09/10/2022 If you were in chains, what would you write?
Sermons from our series on Paul's letter to the Philippians |
05/10/2022 All the news from General Synod |
25/09/2022 Clare Coates is on the move ... |
28/08/2022 Sermons from our summer series on selected psalms! |
27/08/2022 Check out our latest award for a wildlife friendly churchyard! |
15/08/2022 Read a letter from the Bishop of Ely summarising the outcome of the Lambeth Conference |
01/07/2022 Join in the fun at the Stapleford Village Day at the Granary - something for everyone |
22/06/2022 St Andrew's marks the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II |
29/05/2022 Organ Recital by John Bryden |
21/05/2022 The opening chapters of Genesis - catch up with our sermon series here |
16/04/2022 Catch up on our sermon series on Julian's ordinary passion icons |
18/01/2022 Coming soon to a small group near you ... The Bible Course |
16/01/2022 The little ones are back ... |
07/01/2022 Cleaner needed for our lovely church! |
06/01/2022 Catch up on our sermon series on Living in Love and Faith |
03/01/2022 A fascinating close look by Dr Nigel Woodcock at the stones used in building St Andrew's. |
28/11/2021 Don't forget the Christmas Fair on 4 December |
21/11/2021 If you are taking part in this year's Advent Challenge to raise funds for The Children's Society, you will have seen that one of the challenges is to make a no-churn Christmas ice cream! |
21/11/2021 Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and Mark Russell, Chief Executive of The Children's Society, will join us in the 10.30am service as guest speaker. |
19/11/2021 Say a Big Thank You to Lyn Pepperell and Jill Ward for all their work in running the St Andrew's Toddler Group - make a donation to the Children's Society here |
19/11/2021 Join Revd Clare Coates for a quiet morning to mark the start of Advent - 10 am Monday 29 November |
07/11/2021 Appointment announcement - Simon Talbott moving to new role in the Diocese |
03/11/2021 Welcome to Fiona Holliday as she is licensed to Stapleford! |
24/10/2021 Could you be a host for a young person? Check this out for more information about a great initiative by charity Concrete Rose. |
18/10/2021 Church monuments and the profits of slavery. Are any of our monuments problematic? |
25/09/2021 Organ Recital by John Bryden |
10/09/2021 All welcome to our Harvest Festival Services on 3 October at 10.30 am - donations to support the Jimmy's Harvest Appeal |
23/07/2021 A summer picnic in the vicarage garden ... |
27/06/2021 Join us as we twin our toilets! Part of St Andrew's Eco Church project |
14/06/2021 A new group for seniors! |
10/06/2021 Plaster fall at St Andrew's - read about the proposed works here and how to comment on them |
03/06/2021 Picnic in the churchyard and more |
02/06/2021 Join in the fun at the Stapleford Village Day at the Granary - something for everyone |
28/04/2021 Can you give a little to St Andrew's through your shopping with Easyfundraising? Thank you! We can't exist without your donations |
26/02/2021 Anxious? Worried? Check out these resources for Christian meditation |
18/01/2021 A chance to join a month of accompanied prayer in Lent |
01/01/2021 Light shines on Stapleford! |
06/10/2020 Molly (not her real name) was just 10 when she started caring for her mum and step-dad. Find out in this short video how The Children's Society is helping young carers like Molly. |
12/08/2020 The Government's decision to extend free school meals to low-income migrant families is only temporary - add your name now to this campaign from The Children's Society to make this vital lifeline permanent. |
04/05/2020 St Andrew's new channel for children and families. Check it out |
03/04/2020 The Children's Society has launched an appeal to raise funds to support its work reaching at-risk children during the coronavirus pandemic. |
31/03/2020 Now online! Read the latest edition |
29/03/2020 Prayer help and resources |
28/03/2020 We're all going on a bear hunt! Click on the picture to join in |
27/03/2020 Could you be part of the new Messenger production team? Click to find out |
07/03/2020 ALL CHURCH EVENTS AND GROUPS ARE CANCELLED UNTIL THE END OF APRIL - read what else St Andrew's is doing about Coronavirus |
07/02/2020 St Andrew's has launched a new campaign for Lent to raise funds for a family project run by The Children's Society. |
05/02/2020 See what we did at our ‘Share the Light’ service |
31/01/2020 A summary of the furore resulting from the recent statement from the House of Bishops |
05/01/2020 A giant Christmas card - warm greetings and saving resources! |
18/11/2019 Listen again to our sermon series on Science and Christianity |
04/09/2019 An exciting project demonstrating St Andrew's commitment to the future of our planet |
29/06/2019 What did people think of our stand to highlight the plight of refugees at the Stapleford Village Weekend? Find out here - with links to the work of The Children's Society to help child refugees arriving in the UK. |
22/06/2019 This week is international Refugee Week - visit our stand at Stapleford Rec today (22nd June) to find out more about some of the barriers facing refugee children. |
16/06/2019 Visit the St Andrew’s Children’s Society Partnership stand at the Stapleford Village Weekend Saturday 22nd June and take part in our giant board game to discover the risks refugees face. And maybe learn a few surprising facts along the way! |
22/05/2019 An exciting bible overview course to answer questions and strengthen your faith |
15/05/2019 Sounds easy enough, doesn't it. But what if the car breaks down or the boiler needs fixing? That £60 can disappear in a flash. Take the quiz and find out more about The Children's Society campaign to strengthen the safety net for families in need. |
30/04/2019 But the campaign doesn't end here - find out how you can add your name to The Children's Society letter to your local councillor. |
13/04/2019 St Andrew's has funded a regional project working with young carers who are affected by parental substance misuse. |
19/01/2019 Read about the Children's Society's work with young migrants and refugees |
20/12/2018 Johnson Hall and Verger's Cottage for hire - click through for more details |