Sunday Services

We have lots of different services, something to suit everyone. You will be welcome at any of them. All of them are in the church except Messy Forest Church, which is in the churchyard, and, in the winter, Messy Church, which is in the Johnson Hall.
Check the calendar for dates and times because we have all sorts of special services and celebrations, and to see whether we are in the season for Messy Forest Church.
9.00 am Holy Communion
A quiet, traditional spoken service lasting about 40 minutes, usually using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, but once a month using Common Worship. We hear readings from the bible and a short sermon, pray, and share in communion or receive a blessing.
10.30 am Services
Usually our main service of the day in church lasting about an hour or a little more. We sing hymns and songs, hear readings from the bible and a sermon, and pray. Communion service once a month.
6 pm Choral Evensong
This is a gem - traditional sung Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer with our terrific choir.
Usual pattern
1st Sunday of the month
9 am BCP Communion
10.30 am CW Sung Communion
6 pm BCP Choral Evensong
2nd Sunday of the month
9 am BCP Communion
10.30 am Sunday Worship
10.30 am Messy Church or Forest Church
3rd Sunday of the month
9 am CW Sung Communion
10.30 am Sunday Worship
4th Sunday of the month
9 am BCP Communion
10.30 am All Age & Family service