Growing as a Disciple 

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What is this course?

A Bible overview course, written for Ely Diocese.

Who can do it?

Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the Bible and explore it, faith and life. And it is specifically for those who might be thinking of becoming an Authorised Lay Minister. As well as your chosen specialist course, it is a requirement to do this one.

What does the course cover?

We will delve into the Bible, getting the big picture of the way God has worked in the lives of very ordinary men and women in Scripture to bring about his purposes for our salvation.

How is the course delivered?

The course consists of 10 sessions of 2 hours each. The proposed dates are all on Thursday evenings, and will be held at 7 pm at The Vicarage, 43 Mingle Lane, Stapleford, CB22 5SY. 

Dates: September 5 & 19, October 3, 17 & 31, November 14, January 9 & 23, February 6 & 20. 

More details

Look on the Ely Diocese website here.
Or contact Revd Simon Taylor on 01223 840256 or