St Andrew's, Stapleford - Nachingwea Link

The Future
Southern Tanzania has been known as a potential source of minerals for many years. Artisanal mining of alluvial gold deposits is well established, but industrial operations have not taken place. This is about to change, as in the last few years prospecting activities have located very substantial deposits of nickel, copper, gold and graphite. The claim areas for these materials are close to Nachingwea township, and industrial scale extraction is planned, although timing is uncertain due to the recent downturn in commodities markets.
In parallel with these developments, the Port at Mtwara is being developed as an oil and gas terminal with associated power generation, which is enabling industrial development, including cement production. A gas pipeline to Dar is complete, water is being piped from the Makonde plateau via Masasi, a new power spur is planned to pass close to Nachingwea and new road and rail links to Dar-es-Salaam, Mozambique and Malawi are under construction.
Nachingwea is at the geographical centre of all these developments and substantial change is inevitable, involving both opportunities and potential problems for the local community. The Link is working with the mining companies involved helping to foresee and overcome problems and also maximise benefits.
Perhaps the greatest need to help secure the future of the local population is education, which will allow them to participate in the wide range of opportunities that these developments will bring. The local teacher training college will be a key element in improving education, but there is also a need for vocational training in a wide variety of disciplines.
Both sides of the Link are confident we will meet these challenges.