Church Council (PCC)

St Andrew's is run by the parish priest and a council known as the Parochial Church Council (PCC).
The PCC includes two church wardens elected each year at the annual parish meeting, twelve others elected for rotating three year terms, and various other church members. The full list of current members is here.
The PCC is responsible with the parish priest for promoting the mission of the church in Stapleford and for many aspects of the life of the church. It meets every two months. Minutes of its meetings generally can be viewed on request.
The PCC reports each year to a meeting of the whole church at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). The parish priest also reports to that meeting each year. All these reports, and the report and accounts submitted to the Charity Commission, can also be found here.
The PCC is responsible for safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in the church and its activities. Information about safeguarding can be found here.
The PCC holds contact information about members of the church. Its Data Privacy Notice is here.
The PCC has adopted a Resources Policy, which can be found here.