
We know how difficult it is when a loved one dies, and we would be pleased to help you if you would like to arrange a Christian funeral at St Andrew’s. There is a good website about funerals in the Church of England here.
We will hold a funeral in the church for anyone who was living in Stapleford at the time of their death, or for anyone who is a member of the church when they die. We know that people often have to live the last part of their lives away from the village but would still count it as home. Where someone has a strong connection to the village of that sort we will gladly hold their funeral here. We are also happy to go to the local crematoriums to hold funeral services. There are some notes about funerals at St Andrew's here.
There is no more room for burials in the churchyard, but we do have room to inter ashes from cremations. We will inter the ashes of anyone who was living in the village at the time of their death, or who was a member of the church when they died. We will also inter the ashes of those who had to move away for the last part of their lives but would still count the village as home.
There is plenty of room in the parish cemetery for both burials and ashes. The parish cemetery is here. It is run by Stapleford Parish Council and is just a short distance from the church. We quite often hold funeral services in the church followed by a burial in the cemetery. To inquire about a burial in the parish cemetery please contact Belinda Irons, the Parish Clerk, at or on 07840 668048.
To make the practical arrangements for both funerals and interments you will need to have an undertaker. There are several good local firms, but please contact us here if you need any help to find one.

Memorial stones & ornaments in the churchyard
It is usual to place a memorial stone over the site of the interment of ashes. We have to follow certain regulations as to what can be allowed on a memorial stone, so your undertaker or stone mason will need to agree the design with us before it is carved.
The regulations, guidance about them, and an application form for a memorial stone in the churchyard are all here.
Those regulations also cover what flowers, ornaments etc can be left in the churchyard. It is not easy to keep everyone happy. Here is a note about our approach, but do check out the regulations, or get in touch with us here if anything is unclear!