Being Christian

Being Christian - Rowan Willia

Rowan Williams, former archbishop, theologian, pastor and poet, has written this marvellous little book on what it means to be a Christian, viewed through the lenses of baptism, bible, eucharist and prayer. 

During Lent 2024 at St Andrew's we followed Williams' thinking, and studied together over four weeks, beginning each week with a sermon on each of these topics, and following up with group sessions during the week. Home groups took part.

Listen to the book

We have recorded the introduction and each chapter, so that those who prefer to listen rather than read can take part. You can listen to each part here - click on what you want to listen to below. 

Listen to the sermons

And you can listen again to the sermons here. 

First in our Lent series based on Rowan Williams' book Being Christian. This week: Baptism
Second in our series based on Rowan Williams' book Being Christian: Bible
Third in our series based on Rowan Williams' book Being Christian: Eucharist. Invitation, thanksgiving and hope
Fourth in our series based on Rowan Williams' book Being Christian: Prayer

Being Christian - poster