Baptisms of Aria & Arthur 

A lovely email and pics, reproduced with permission, received from Simon, Aria & Arthur's father. 

I wanted to say a huge ’Thank You’ for Sunday’s service and baptism. We had a wonderful day. The family really enjoyed it and loved the service. Aria and Arthur had a great time too. You made it a really special day for us, and we are very grateful for that!

The children’s Bible storybooks are fantastic and we look forward to lots of bedtime reading. Thank you for such a nice gift.

I really enjoyed Fiona’s sermon. She mentioned a Thai singer/pianist, and I wonder if it was for our benefit - and I really thank her for that! I wanted to catch up with her after the service and say thanks for the sermon and lovely words, but unfortunately I couldn’t find her. She was great.

It’s a shame we are leaving this week, as it would be nice to come back to the church with Aria and Arthur now baptised, but we will have to leave that for next summer now! We look forward to catching up with you when we are back in Stapleford next time. Until then, take care! We’ll be back soon :)

You can listen to Fiona's sermon again here - it was part of our Ephesians series. 

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