Pastoral Care
St Andrew’s has a small but dedicated pastoral care team, who willingly offer a listening ear, companionship and prayer to any who need it. Our home visitors will also give communion at home to those unable to get to church.
We also offer practical help in times of special need, and may be able to help in making contact with other agencies and charities.
If you are lonely, housebound or incapacitated, the Stapleford Village Warden Scheme, which the St Andrew's pastoral care team took a lead role in setting up, might also be able to help.
If you live in Stapleford or close to it and need small scale financial assistance the Stapleford Feoffees charity is also worth contacting.
For further information on any pastoral care issues, please contact our co-ordinator Romie Ridley. Her contact details are here. Or you can contact the church here.