St Andrew's, Stapleford - Nachingwea Link

Activities are divided between Agriculture and Technical, Church, Education, Fundraising and Medical. In each area parallel committees in both parishes decide actions and oversee results. While resources are inevitably limited, it has been possible to support a wide range of projects, usually on a shared cost basis: money from the UK being partly matched by funds raised locally in Nachingwea. Audit and reporting systems have been developed to ensure effective use of funds and to measure results.
The aim of all projects has been to improve the quality of life in Nachingwea, bearing in mind not only available resources, but the sustainability of any activity. While not all projects have been successful, both communities have learned, and continue to learn, the art of collaborative development.
A leaflet on recent work of the Link is available
The following are examples of past and current projects.
Agricultural and Technical
Rainwater tank construction
Corn grinding equipment supply
Cashew crop fungicide sprayers
Motorbike and bicycles supplied for parish visiting
Solar oven supply
Sewing machines for clergy wives
Seed supply to cope with crop failure
Supply of pigs and enclosures to establish an ongoing source of income
Strategic study of sustainable agricultural approaches for Nachingwea (a major project involving a demonstrator farm to cope with climate change is in development)
Support for the priest-in-charge
Books and cards for children in the Sunday School
Support for retired clergy
Support for training for women’s ministry
Support for clergy further education
Developments on the Church site
The Education Committee raises funds principally but not exclusively for girls’ and women’s education. Money has been used to:
Support further education and vocational courses (ongoing project) as we can’t often afford the costs of University education
Organise Teacher exchanges (ongoing project)

Supply Mentoring in English for 40 primary students transferring to secondary schools where their lessons and exams will be conducted in English, whereas primary school education was in Swahili
Supply dictionaries for use on the English course and then loaned to Nambambo Secondary School library
Develop and equip two secondary school libraries
Provide equipment and uniforms for a special needs class
A future project is to sponsor courses for primary teachers
The Link operates as a sub-committee of the PCC of St Andrew’s, Stapleford, and under its auspices, and is eligible for Gift Aid. Current turnover is around £11,000 per annum. Funds are generated by:
A regular giving scheme
Collections at Church
Donations from the PCC
Open gardens and village events
A Christmas Fair
Organisation of elective visits by UK medical students.
Schistosomiasis elimination programme to protect children.

Mosquito netting.
Autoclave spares, supply of operating table, refrigeration and lighting.
Training for traditional birth attendants.
HIV/AIDS awareness training.
Digital blood pressure monitors and thermometers.
Emergency electricity generator for Nachingwea Hospital.
Oxygen concentrator for Neonatal unit.
Dental tools for Hospital dentist.
Cots, infant suction machine,resuscitation bag and masks for Neonatal unit.
Eclamptic bed for Maternity unit.