Stapleford Feoffees

Feoffees heading

The Stapleford Feoffee Charity is an old village charity for those resident in the village or with close links to it. It provides grants to people in need, hardship or distress to meet needs such as help with the cost of nursery or playgroup places, school trips, undertaking further education, aids for those with disabilities and assistance with trips for undertaking voluntary work. It can make grants to individuals or organizations. 

There are nine trustees. The parish priest and church wardens are three of the trustees. Two others are nominated by the Parish Council and four chosen from the community.

The history of the trust is here

A summary of the scheme under which the trust operates is here, and the full version is here.

The application form for a grant is here. Please send the completed form to the clerk - contact details are here, and you can also contact the clerk for help in completing the form or for more information.