Lent & Easter @ St Andrew’s

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As well as all our usual Sunday services - check Events for more details - all are welcome to our special Lent and Easter events.

Lent Thursday Complines

Every Thursday from 2 to 30 March at 8.30 pm
Short said services
Prayer, readings and reflection marking this holiest of weeks

Come & Sing Messiah

Everyone welcome to come along and sing in this scratch performance of Handel's Messiah on Saturday 11 March from 2.30 pm to about 6.45 pm with tea and wine breaks! Or just come along and listen!

Mothering Sunday service

Sunday 19 March at 10.30 am - great all age celebration

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is the day on which we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the start of the week that would end in his humiliation and death. It is a bitter sweet day, which we mark at our morning services.

Palm Sunday Communion

10.30 am 2 April 
Service featuring a truly moving dramatised reading of St Matthew’s account of the Passion of Christ followed by outdoor communion with our Forest Church congregation.

Forest Church Communion

10.30 am 2 April
If you prefer a less formal service, come to the churchyard, chalk the path to remember the procession into Jerusalem, and join in communion.

Holy Week

From Palm Sunday to Easter Day we remember the events in Jerusalem that led to Jesus’ arrest, condemnation and death

Holy Week Complines

8.30 pm on 3, 4,  & 5 April
Short said services
Prayer, readings and reflection marking this holiest of weeks

Maundy Thursday Communion

7 pm 6 April 7.30 pm
Maundy Thursday communion as we remember Jesus washing his disciples feet before being arrested and taken away.

Good Friday at the Cross

12 noon to 1 pm 7 April
Service of readings, prayers and meditation with sung extracts from Handel's Messiah
Time to reflect on Christ’s death and victory

Holy Saturday Vigil Service

8 pm 8 April
Joyful traditional service
Follows the events of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
Celebrate as the light and life come back into the church

Easter Sunday

Greet the risen Lord Jesus at any of our services celebrating Easter Day

Magog Down service

6.30 am 9 April
Short service on Magog Down
Join people from miles around to greet the day

Traditional Communion 

9 am 9 April
Lovely service from the Book of Common Prayer
Quietness before the busyness of the day

All Age Communion

10.30 am 19 April
Join the celebration of Jesus' resurrection
Bring a flower for the living cross
Followed by Easter Egg hunt in the churchyard