What we believe


We believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God has revealed himself through the Bible.
God has revealed himself most clearly through the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ.
God makes himself known personally to each believer through the work of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that we can be reconciled to God through faith and trust in Jesus Christ who died for us.

We believe we should share that good news of Jesus, equip people in their faith journey and see them live out their faith in the world.

Christians believe that love is at the heart of God’s will for our lives – love for God and love for others.

As Christians we believe the full purpose of our lives is to praise God. As we do so we begin to recognize more and more that everything comes from God and to feel even more thankful and full of praise.

Christians are called to work and pray for God's kingdom.

The whole church is the community of men, women and children centred around Jesus and being his presence in the world. We are called to live for the values and aspirations of God’s kingdom as we have been shown them by Jesus.

This text was taken from the Church of England Our Faith pages